Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Post Summer Break!

After the summer term, we got about 1.5 weeks during which to relax and debrief before coming back for more and meeting the incoming "Sloanies".

Some of my classmates were headed to super cool places like Paris (Diego and Iliana), Belize (Mike & his new bride), Costa Rica possibly ?. Others were headed home to "hug their cars", see old friends and reminisce about the ordinary lives they left behind. Others yet were staying in Boston, taking in the sites and taking advantage of all New England has to offer via camping treks to Vermont, duck tours, kayaking, and the seemingly-endless happy hours.

Me? Chas and I headed home to Seattle. We flew out the morning after classes were over and I will be return Sunday night (Orientation starts Monday morning). Chas will stay an extra week and will come in just days before starting school.

Seattle welcomed me with 90+ degree weather. I was still feeling icky from the cold I caught the day of my Statistics final (I blame "it" for my performance, btw), and so the lack of an AC upset me more than usual and overpowered my mood for the first few days. Since then however, the weather cooled (now overcast and in the 70's, the way I like it), and i've managed to actually leave my house. I have a slew of appointments to take care of (doctor, dentist, nails, wax, hair). I'm also seeing some friends and old co-workers while in town.

Chas has been able to also visit with friends while in town. She hosted a "gathering" at our house on Friday - a handful of 11 year-old girls. They make look harmless, but together, they're like a Chuck E. Cheese's on a Sunday morning (think aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh; then repeat in various pitches until the pencil drives itself dangerously close to your pupil).

I'm looking forward to heading back to school, although i'm nervous about all the coordination that will have to take place once the year begins.

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