Tuesday, December 1, 2009

I pity the foo'

I'm feeling the guilt of a long absence from this blog, but hope to begin writing again more frequently once the term is over.  The last few months have been amazing - classes, workshops, trips, case competitions, the internship whirlwind, and now finals!

I've been whining for several days about how much work I have over the next 2 weeks, so I thought i'd take this week (the week after Thanksgiving break) and outline deliverables so that those close to me can shoot me an understanding glance (not pity, just some love!).

Allow me to reiterate the fact that us LGOs are taking 7 courses, plus a seminar totaling 67 MIT units.

It sounds crazy, right? It totally is. Above is a legit snapshot of my current registration for the fall semester and it's not much different than the schedule of my 46 LGO classmates.

On to the good stuff - deliverables:

Mon 11/30
  • 15.810: Team case analysis & write-up due
  • ESD.61: Individual assignment #3 due
  • ESD.61: "Actionable projects" due in support of semester-long project

Tue 12/01
  • 15.010: HW#6 due
  • 15.515: Case discussion
  • 15.280: Presentation on semester-long project

Wed 12/02
  • ESD.61: Presentation on semester-long project due
  • 15.665: Journal due

Fri 12/04
  • 15.515: HW#8 due

Having written all of this out, it suddenly doesn't look too bad....deceiving!
Let's not forget committees and committee work, part time jobs, family, organizations, etc.

How do we do it? By working together, by adding sanity-enabling activities to our schedule, and by taking it one day at a time.

I love this place.

1 comment:

  1. 67 Units?! Good God Woman, bless your soul. But I love your positivity. Keep it up!
